Wednesday, April 9, 2008


"Either treat me like a kid or treat me like an adult, but don't keep treating me like something in between." Every teens thoughts against there friends and family. Every one has the need to get out and explore the world on there own. When they make a mistake or try and have some fun the ways they use to and something goes wrong, it always shows up against themselves.

Growing up i was the third and last child in the family, so i wasn't getting as much attention as the first two. I remember trying to do thing to get my parents attention, respect and try to get some attention. I remember that my sister had always gotten her way so i tried copying her to make myself more mature, so one time she crossed the high way by herself and i saw her walking across. I wanted to be the same so i remember getting to the road and taking the first steps before loosing memories. I had awaken in the hospital with my mom and dad in the room making sure i was OK. Years later i had been doing some stupid things on a quad and ended up rolling the machine over top of me and off. my father had came up pushed me down to the ground angrily but steady. I had a attitude because of the pain and he was making it worse for where he was pushing it. I ended up being fine but that night we had a talk about the car accident years before.
He told me that if i wasn't so unwilling to think things threw he wouldn't have to waist his time looking me over for wounds. He did so much that made me feel so unwanted but i don't know if that what he wanted or if he wanted me to just grow up faster by making me feel bad. Thinking about how i wanted to be treated like an adult and did everything to become one i missed out on being a child. I believe that we should watch are selves but we shouldn't loose control of what we should and shouldn't be able to do for fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That’s so true. Sometimes I don't understand parents. One minute they are telling us to grow up and the next minute they are telling us what to do and treating us like children. But in a way its kind of a lose - lose situation for adults. They want us to grow up and live a good normal life, but with all the bad influences out there it can be hard sometimes. Another thing that can be hard to judge is punishments. If we do something wrong like total your car, they make you pay for it. But some of the other lesser problems like if you get caught sneaking out or slightly defacing personal property, then you get grounded. They want us to act like adults but there punishments are so childish. When you’re like 25 you’re not going to get grounded, so we as a society need to come up with a better punishment. One that will teach them a lesson rather then grounding them to their rooms where they have a computer and tv and anything else they want to do. Treat them like and adult and make them do some community service. Picking up litter or volunteering in the soup kitchen or even minor sports teams. It seems like parents are always contradicting what the say and in a way it makes teens want to rebel more.