Thursday, May 29, 2008


I started dating a girl who will remain nameless. I had a bad vibe from her when i first met her but i always believed in giving people a chance. Giving her a chance was the biggest mistake in my frigen fracken blacked life. I hate how she smokes, drinks and hangs out with her ex boyfriends. I know I'm being over controlling and wanting alot from her but I don't believe it is right when shes like a guy for years and he cheats on her gets married and has a baby while dating her. I believe that everything this guy does is wrong and i start to feel like I'm just a rebound guy for her just because she lost the spark with a loser, but the problem now is that she misses the dick head and wants to go spend time with him alone and hide him from me so i don't know. One thing that was worse then her doing that with this one loser is that when she went to Calgary to visit her mom, dad and brother but when she got there she decided to spend all her money she saved to go drinking with 7 of her ex boy friends and all of them didn't let there girl friends drink with them accept 2. I never want to know what happen there but the day i find out that shes doing anything overly bad she will hate me for the rest of her damn life.

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