Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A flaw is neccessary for true beauty.

True beauty is made up of outer appearance as well as personality. I believe that a flaw has to be necessary for true beauty. Every person has flaws in their own way. Some people believe that when they look in the mirror they are anything but beauty, but in another persons eyes they are anything but the opposite. Theses minor flaws make us able to be the most beautiful thing to that one person that is declared are “soul mate”. I believe that if people didn’t have a flaw then every one would consider them beautiful and obtain such control over there fellow citizens. When some on is completely beautiful then u have to take that extra step to get to know them or u put yourself in major danger of being trapped in a unwanted relationship.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Topic's

Writing or typing for me is a real challenge in keeping my interests on the topic i am writing on. I am not really confident in what my interests are in typing or writing. I don’t mind the topics of suffering in a general way such as war, family problems, relationship problems or even things disateres to another person such as the loss of a life or loss of ones own self control. The reasons of why I tend to enjoy the topic of suffering is because no matter what is being written down the reader can always relate, because there is so many issues in peoples lives in the world today. Suffering is always a topic that brings up old emotions and sometimes new ones, that is important to some people in bringing back there past into existence. No matter the disaster there will always be other people waiting for some one to relate to. Writing about suffering is a way to communicate with all others with similar problems and help them threw there hard life. That is why I enjoy reading and writing about suffering.

I believe that all blog’s should be evaluated individually. This will give the writer a chance to improve in there blog's as well as in there writing.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Superpower of My Choice

Superpowers all have there strength and weaknesses but if i had to choose one power to have I would chose the power to control elements of the earth. I would be able to control water and all forms of dirt. I would be able to have the clean es skin in the world, since i would be able to take all dirt off of me. I could walk across water forming it into ice all the way down to the bottom of the lake, or stop a bullet with a protective stone shield around me. I could do chemical compounds to make efficient fuels even take the pollution from the air we breath and recreate fossil fuels. With only the power to control of elements i would be able to have the power of god alone. I just wouldn't have the knowledge and the mental control that god had himself.