Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lottery - Indifference

Tittle change.

The Damage of lack of change one way or the other.

A "Lottery" experience.

Most people experience a time when they think everything is fine possibly perfect when its not. Take relationships for examples. In relationships u could think you are with the right person, the one that makes you happy. Going threw life easily and interested in everything that's around you. Then one day everything comes crashing down from a conflict with the mate. Conflicts come from anything they cheat, you cheat, fights with family. Lost of trust with each other happens but you figure you will just break it off and that would be the end. Next thing that happens they are taking you to court, claims of rape, beating or just to try and steal your money. The world around you comes crashing down only Because u tried to love the wrong person. All your left thinking is it isn't fair.

The link between "The Lottery" and "The Perils of Indifference".

All the cities and towns in "The lottery" did the lottery so it wasn't different in any of the towns. Every location were this was held, every one acted the same as the other. when it started everyone gathered rocks and waited to be called to take there slip. Each person went up and took a ticket there expression never changed. The climate didn't matter, and the time of day didn't matter. These people didn't really care about anything other then to get there ticket, they didn't even know all the rules to what was to happen. All they remembered was take a ticket, and stone the one who gets the dot. The main connection to the two stories was that it was indifferent to who got the dot. The children and husband of the mother who got stoned had no effect in them, they killed her as if she was nothing to them. No motive and no threat, just a big game of Russian roulette.

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